Title: Accountant III (Advancement and Foundation Accountant)
Salary Range: $24.70 per hour.
Contract Term Length: Not Applicable
Standard Hours: 20-25 hours per week
Work Location: On-Site
FLSA Status: Non-Exempt
College: Bluegrass Community & Technical College
Campus Location: Bluegrass C&TC - Leestown Campus
Department: Advancement and Workforce Development
Job Summary
This is a temporary, part-time position to support the accounting functions of the Bluegrass Community and Technical College (BCTC) Office of Advancement and the BCTC Foundation.
Job Duties:
Plans and executes the development, organization, preparation and updating of complex financial statements, journals, accounts, ledgers and reports for various financial needs within an automated financial system to ensure accurate recording and reporting of financial transactions to support the BCTC Office of Advancement and the BCTC Foundation.
Analyzes financial reports, data and records, identifies discrepancies, investigates and recommends solutions as needed.
Monitors automated financial systems, develops and documents controls to ensure system reliability and data integrity.
Audits reconciliations, journal entries, schedules and reports.
Works collaboratively with the office of Advancement Staff, the executive Director of the BCTC Foundation, and interfaces with the BCTC Foundation Board of Directors.
Other duties as assigned.
Minimum Qualifications:
Bachelor’s Degree (Accounting, Finance, Business Administration, or related field) and four years related experience, or equivalent.
Preferred Qualifications:
Bachelor’s Degree (Accounting, Finance, Business Administration, or related field) and six years related experience, or equivalent.
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KCTCS is an equal opportunity employer and educational institution. KCTCS does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs or activities.