The Title III Administrative Assistant coordinates office administration for MCTC's federal Title III Grant Project. The position is a grant-funded position, with the expectancy of continuance to September 30, 2028 in a part-time capacity and will...
West Kentucky Community & Technical College (WKCTC), recognized as a top 10 community college in the nation by The Aspen Institute five consecutive times and twice as a Finalist with Distinction, invites applications for the position of Part-time ...
The Coordinator of the Ready-to-Work (RTW) program will be responsible for providing services to support the education and training for Kentucky Transitional Assistance Program (KTAP) recipients who are engaged in an educational activity with KCTC...
Ashland Community and Technical College is currently seeking qualified candidates for a full-time Executive Assistant II.
KCTCS is an equal opportunity employer and educational institution. KCTCS does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs or activities.