Title: Ready to Work - Work Study Employment
Salary Range: $8.00 per hour
Contract Term Length: Not Applicable
Standard Hours: varies
Work Location: On-Site
FLSA Status: Non-Exempt
College: Big Sandy Community & Technical College
Campus Location: Prestonsburg Campus
Big Sandy Community & Technical College offers a competitive benefits package and an attractive work environment that supports excellence, innovation, and creativity including:
Job Summary
Ready to Work work study opportunities are available to students who qualify for the program. To be eligible for Ready to Work Program work study employment, students must be receiving Kentucky Transitional Assistance Program (KTAP) benefits and pursuing further education: working towards a GED, brushing up on basic skills through Adult Education, have a college schedule, or interested in attending college. Work study placements will be on or off-campus, related to your field of study, and will work around your school schedule.
To learn more, visit https://bigsandy.kctcs.edu/current-students/student-services/ready-to-work.aspx
Job Duties:
Duties vary depending upon work site placement and type of assistance needed at the work site.
Some positions include administrative work and/or light physical activities.
Efforts will be made to align the work study placement with field of study.
Minimum Qualifications:
Dependable, friendly, motivated and willing to work in a team-oriented environment.
Must be receiving KTAP and pursuing further education.
Preferred Qualifications:
Additional Skills Requested:
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