The Natural Science Department of Jefferson Community and Technical College has openings for part time Biology Adjunct Instructors to teach all levels of biology.
The Business and Technology Division of Jefferson Community and Technical College has openings for Accounting, Business and Economics Adjunct Instructors to teach all levels of Accounting, Business and Economics.
The English Division has openings to teach hybrid, online or on campus sections composition (ENG 101, ENG 102) as well as co-requisite courses, and/or Intro to Humanities (HUM 120) at multiple Jefferson campuses.
The Humanities Division has openings to teach on-campus and hybrid sections of ESL courses.
The Humanities Division has openings to teach Hybrid, Online or on campus sections of FYE 105 at multiple Jefferson Campuses.
The Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education Program in the Behavioral Social Sciences Division of Jefferson Community and Technical College has openings to teach online or hybrid classes.
The Manufacturing Department of Jefferson Community and Technical College has openings for Adjunct Instructors to teach all levels of industrial maintenance, engineering technology, welding, applied process technology, and machine tool technology.
The Mathematics Division of Jefferson Community and Technical College has openings for Adjunct Instructors to teach all levels of Mathematics. The primary responsibilities of these positions are to teach courses, maintain some office hours for men...
The Nursing Department of Jefferson Community and Technical College, has openings for Associate Degree RN Clinical Adjunct Instructors to teach all levels of nursing (Medical Surgical, Mental Health, Pediatrics, and Obstetrics). Campus work locati...
The Nursing Department of Jefferson Community and Technical College, has openings for LPN Clinical Adjunct Instructors to teach all levels of nursing (Medical Surgical, Mental Health, Pediatrics, and Obstetrics). Campus work location varies by the...
The Allied Health Division of Jefferson Community and Technical College has an opening for a Paramedic Technology Adjunct Instructor. Adjuncts assist in the EMS lab and clinical rotations at various hospitals. They help the lead instructor with in...
The Behavioral and Social Sciences Division has openings to teach in-person and hybrid sections of Psychology at Jefferson Community and Technical College on multiple campuses.
The Humanities Division has openings to teach Hybrid, Online or on campus sections of RDG 30 at multiple Jefferson Campuses.
The Behavioral and Social Sciences Division has openings to teach in-person and hybrid sections of Sociology at Jefferson Community and Technical College on the Downtown and Southwest campuses.
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