Title: Student Support Specialist III (Dual Credit/Bluegrass College Academy Advisor)
Salary Range: $3,490- $4,363 monthly
Contract Term Length: 12 Months
Standard Hours: 37.5
Work Location: On-Site
FLSA Status: Non-Exempt
College: Bluegrass Community & Technical College
Campus Location: Bluegrass C&TC - Lawrenceburg Campus
Department: Advancement and Workforce Development
Total Rewards
Bluegrass Community & Technical College offers a competitive benefits package and an attractive work environment that supports excellence, innovation, and creativity including:
Job Summary:
This position will provide academic advising and programming support for dual credit students at Anderson County High School and Bluegrass College Academy (BCA) students at the Lawrenceburg Campuses.
Job Duties:
Serve as main point of contact with Anderson County Schools for dual credit and Bluegrass College Academy programming.
Provide support for Lawrenceburg Campus BCA students by ensuring effective Friday programming as part of their BCA experience.
Collaborate with community partners in the region to design and implement programming for BCA students to promote leadership development, career exploration, academic skill development, and the successful transition to college-level learning.
Serve as the lead and interface with Anderson County Schools for the recruitment of BCA and dual credit students. Recruitment efforts may include leading BCA Information Sessions in collaboration with local high schools and community groups, creating resources/assets to promote the BCA program, and meeting with prospective students, families, and school leaders to share information about the BCA program.
Promote retention of BCA students by monitoring academic progress and by implementing intrusive advising and support practices in response to Starfish Flags and other indicators that the student may be in need of additional support.
Refer and/or assist students with navigating college services and resources to address challenges and support their progress towards degree completion.
Assist Lawrenceburg Campus Director with the creation and processing of BCA application materials, advising, and course registration.
Respond to prospective students, family members, and K-12 partners with questions/inquiries regarding the BCA program.
Assist Lawrenceburg Campus Director with the implementation of key retention programs for BCA students, including specialized BCA Orientation Programs.
Facilitate and attend Adult Learner Outreach events in the Central Kentucky region as needed.
Other duties as assigned.
Minimum Qualifications:
Bachelor's degree in a related field and four (4) year of related experience, or equivalent
Valid Driver’s License, and ability to travel across the Bluegrass region.
Preferred Qualifications:
Bachelor's degree in related field and six (6) years related experience, or equivalent.
Employee Rights - Employee Polygraph Protection Act
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